Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Revealing my Diary

Sometimes it is good to share some of your notes in your diary. I don’t know if my notes are worth sharing to you all. If I keep printed on the papers, it get disappear and can be found nowhere. So I decided to put in my own website so that in future when I look back, I can know how I have been. I never meant to create mess and misunderstandings. No hurt and harsh feelings to anybody, please.

Thursday 28 June 2012  
Farewell Party 19th Batch passes outs in front of CNR academic block.
Friday 29 June 2012
Bye bye CNR. Thanks you lecturers for your immeasurable efforts in brightening our knowledge. You all will remain forever in my head and heart. My two years stay at CNR was so amazing and awesome though I didn’t contribute much to the college. Yet I look forward to return back to my two years home. Thanks for everything. Thanks to each and every one of CNR family.
Wednesday 4 July 2012
Interview for CNR graduates at HRD office, Thimphu.
Monday 9 July 2012
Interview result was declared on the MoAF Ministrys’ website. There was only 18 seats (vacancy) announced for the agriculture graduates. I was 19th of 26 students appeared in interview. I felt so helpless, yet I didn’t lose my hope. I knew I am such a brainless guy.
Thursday 12 July 2012
We (who didn’t meet the required vacancies) went to HRD Office to request job vacancy but we could not meet our concerned sector heads. They were attending meeting. After waiting for few hours an office assistant of Agriculture sector told us to come next day. 
Friday 13 July 2013
It was a placement day for CNR graduates. All those who have qualified were placed in various dzongkhags and research centers’. Some were happy and some were disappointed. We were even shocked to see some crying under the cypress tree for which she didn’t get the place of her choice. But later on she got the placement of her choice. At the time of placement also, Chief HRO was not there. When all of CNR graduates got placement, we (8 of us) were left without any message from the concern sector on this day. Rather we were told by Office Assistant to wait for the arrival of Chief HRO. We understood his helplessness to us but he never pretend to be helpless though.
Monday 16 July 2012
We went to HRD Office and met with Chief HRO. She wasn’t in good mood that day. We went inside her office. She asked about our problems. We told her that if Department of Agriculture could arrange us vacancies we would be grateful. She said that she is helpless in that case. She also said that other graduates do not get job. When she said this, what comes to my mind was Michael Faraday who invented electric motor. Michael Faraday’s electric motor was once rejected by the British Prime Minister Gladstone. I didn’t know that if she had meant that we have to search job ourselves. Soon after, BAFRA Director came to Chief HRO’s office. After listening to our situation, he said that he has announced the vacancy. He said that he has submitted the vacancy slots to the HRD Section. But it wasn’t announced in the ministry’s website. He assures us that he will take few of us in BAFRA. We felt bit excited though it was just a verbal conversation. Chief HRO told us that she will anyways try to help us.
Friday 20 July 2012
As a follow up, we again went to HRD Office. We could not meet HRO. Office Assistant was helpless. Most of the time, he said that Agriculture Sector is conducting meeting about vacancy for us. I don’t know if he had convinced us. He said that they are finding the vacancies.
Wednesday 25 July 2012
We went to HRD Office with great expectations because Chief HRO was appointed as Dzongda. We thought that she would have arranged vacancies for us. When we reached at HRD Office, there was only Office Assistant. He said that they have arranged the vacancy and they will be conducting interview on August second. That was good news for us.
Wednesday 1 August 2012
The news of orientation on 3rd August worried us because we didn’t get placement while others got. So we decided to go to HRD Office. We met with newly arrived Agriculture HRO who was also an officiating Chief HRO. We told him that we were left without any placement. He said that the Department will help us to find vacancies for us. He also assured us vacancies in Agriculture Department only. He told us to attend Orientation Programme at YDF Hall on 3rd August.
Friday 3 August 2012
Orientation Programme was held at YDF. At orientation all most all the sector heads of MoAF family was present.  Minister of MoAF was the Chief Guest during orientation programme. He congratulated the gathering for getting employed in the government service. He highlighted on the importance of roles and responsibilities of extensions in nation building. He said that all the CNR Graduates will be enrolled in the service under MoAF.  He also said that extensions should not complain about the inadequate facilities in the geogs. He inspired us by narrating a story about the three glasses in which 1st glass filled with water and the 2nd half filled. The last one was empty. He said that we should rather choose the last and second one. He advised us to serve our nation with utmost dedication with sincerity and honesty.
Monday 6 August 2012
After Orientation, we went to HRD Office as a follow up because Minister of MoAF has assured us to provide job. We met Agri HRO and he said that they have to follow the RCSE rules. Before placement, he said that they will conduct an interview. Our Interview was scheduled on Thursday 9th August.
Thursday 9 August 2012
As scheduled, eight of us did interview at HRD Office. After the interview, HRO said that they will place us at different Dzongkhags at the earliest. We felt relaxed after interview and felt excited.
Monday 13 August 2012
We were given our choice to select the dzongkhags. I chose Mongar with many reasons. Officiating Chief HRO congratulated us for getting job. He advised us to serve our nation sincerely and faithfully.  
This is the day I can remember throughout my life because another life in one life begins as I got placement. We were so excited and happy because we were waiting for this moment. We felt like we have reached our goals after striving so many years in schools. Parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, neighbors and all, thanks so much for your kind and helpful support that you have given to me in achieving my goal.
Wednesday 22 August 2012
I officially joined the service in Mongar Dzongkhag Agriculture Office on this day. On the very first day, I got an opportunity to attend a meeting organized by RDC – Wengkhar at DVH. I was quite surprise to see some known seniors working under the Dzonkhag Agriculture Department. Even then, I wasn’t that confident in such gatherings.
At the opening of meeting, Program Director of RDC-Wengkhar was highlighting about the up-scaling of vegetable production and horticulture crops. He said that rupee crunch hasn’t affected the eastern dzongkhags much though. ‘’But we have to learn from it and we have to be cautious”, he said. He was also stressing the importance and the need of extension policy. Still he speaks about the need and importance of it. And I know he will speak about it, because he has reasons and facts about extensions. I also wonder why such policies are not there. How can there be no such policies for those who are staying very near to the heads and hearts of farmers? Why can’t government do that? If there are no such policies as a guiding and supporting backbone for extensions, I personally don’t see a safe future for extensions. As the mandates of extension doesn’t confine in few arena, their daily works are likely to become vulnerable. Therefore, the need of ‘’Extension Policy’’ is of paramount important. It should be the first priority of our next government.
Thursday 23 August 2012
I went inside Dzongdas’ chamber along with Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer (DAO) to seek advice before I go to the geog. I introduced to him and with jokingly he asked me if I am from eastern Bhutan. He said that Sharchokp parents will not give the name Chungku to their children. It will be only west parents, he said. He advised me to serve our farmers in geogs sincerely and faithfully. He told me the importance of roles and responsibilities of geog extensions. He advised me not to get drowned in arra in villages.
From there, I gained confidence in serving our farmers in geogs. That was how I began my new life.

Hereafter, I owe to serve my country, king and people with sincerity, integrity, honesty, transparency, accountability and without corruption. I also owe to serve with fair and justice with utmost dedication in the fulfillment of our peoples’ wishes. We are bestowed with happiness. Let us hold this jewel in our hands forever. All we need is collaboration and cooperation.
Ladies and gentlemen, thanks for reading my short unworthy diary. Have blissful days ahead.

1 comment:

  1. My diaries are filled with alphabets and numbers. Yet that 26 alphabets and ten numerals are a crazy thing for me.
