For me, class twelve is the time where we can decide our future, whether we want to cherish or perish. If we succeed from class twelve, we somehow get a job but whether to save money or not will depend on individual. Never the less, we it’s always good to work hard so that we can at least make somebody proud of us. Our goals should be out of sight but they should be out of reach. If goals are out of our sight, they are de-motivating and if they are out of reach they are motivating.
Since we were the first batch, there was little knowledge about the exam paper but our subject teachers were so kind that they did more than their own family to us so that we can achieve something in our life. Their hard work has really helped us and our credit goes to them and they will always remain as a teacher in my life.
my class mates |
When we were in class twelve we were exempted from some of the social work. Moreover, we were allowed to stay in the classroom till eleven o’clock at night so that we can do our study. So we use to stay in the class room after evening study till eleven o’clock at night. Sometimes, we use to study hard and sometimes we don’t. The text books for science students in class twelve is thick enough to imagine. Sometimes I wonder how I have studied those thick books in class twelve because I cannot even study seventy pages notes in the College. When I study about ten pages, I feel like vomiting.
There was not much change in rules. The wearing of batta slippers on Wednesdays and weekends remained same. The hanging of language board also remained same but the punishment was changed. This time, whoever speaks other language, s/he was made to do up and down by catching his/her ear in front of the assembly. A Trashitse, the assembly ground is on the basket ball court and the plate form is high enough to see all the students in the corners. Everybody can see the students on the plate form.
We were not allowed to use mobiles in schools. If principal or hostel warden find us using mobiles, they use to cease. Our hostel warden was kind enough (its’ my opinion) to give back our cell phones if principal find us using, he has no excuse. In my opinion it was better not to use mobiles at such standard because it really distracts our studies if we do not know how to use. Because most of the time we spent our time on listening to the music and other entertainments. It was really distracting. Moreover, some amount of money has to be spent on it. On the other hand, it was advantageous because at times, we have to do an urgent call to either our parents or somebody. That time it was very useful. Teachers asked not to use. In case if we need, they told us to ask them but being a student we always have some feelings in the back of our mind. However, most of us were using the cell phones despite the rules.
And also, we were not allowed to go outside the school campus for studying. But, who would listen when there are many students in a confined campus. I use to go as far as four km from the hostel for the sack of studying. I use to go to Kurichello side which is to the west of Trashitse. It was safe to go that side because our principal rarely come that side. Most of the students prefer to go that side. Sometimes, the cattle herders use to offer us with ceing chang without any charge. Sometimes, I really miss that farmers and people whom I have met and I feel like going back to that village but I am not sure whether to go to that school or not. If the principal is same, it’s sure, I won’t go there.
The earthquake of September 21st in 2009 has badly damaged the life and properties of eastern dzongkhags. It was around 3:45 pm when there was a great movement of the ground under my feet. I was on my way to home to enjoy the Blessed Rainy Day with my parents and family. In that year, the blessed rainy day was re-considered as a part of government holiday after suspending for few years. It is indeed an auspicious day for everybody because it is believed that, on that day, the god and goddess above send us with holy water which will reduce our bad karmic causes if we take shower with that holy water.
Building collapsed in Narang |
The repeated mild earth quake in the east really scared us because our buildings were built with concrete and if they collapse, they will hit us. So students were made to sleep in the football ground and in the basketball court because it was safer there. For more than three days students slept in the basket ball court and football ground. There are newly constructed buildings that can withstand earthquake. We slept in that classroom. The winter cold of Trashitse is unbearable.
Unforgettable Day
It was 2nd June, the day in which our Fourth Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuk was enthroned as the Fourth King of Bhutan in 1974. During the day time, we planted seedlings of different trees to mark the Social Forestry Day. At Trashitse, whether it is holiday or not, it was compulsory to attend evening and night study if the next day is not holiday.
When I was in class 12, we had a best cooperation among the class 12 students. We use to save our friends from any king of trouble. On that evening, most of the Bhutanese teachers have gone to attend somebody’s’ death funeral. Only the hostel warden was left behind. In that evening, we had a great fighting between a group of class ten students and class twelve.
One of the boys of the group came out of the class during the evening study. He was telling that if somebody want to challenge, just come out. Then the captains of class twelve went out and told him not to create such problems but he could not listen. So the class twelve students went out immediately after evening study and attacked the boy and the group. The group was mercilessly beaten. The son of the principal was shouting from the basketball court to fight with him. One of our friends gave a kick and he was badly injured. The hostel warden could not stop the fighting. The fighting continued for about ten minutes. Before the dinner, the principal and teachers came back. The boys were called principal in his office and the boys had given the names of some of the students of class twelve.
Kidu houses built after fire in Wamrong |
During that time, we had two principals, one newly arrived, he came during the dinner time and asked us to go to the principals’ office but there was nobody to listen to him. Rather, he was challenged. So principal came after dinner he made every one of us to tell what has happened. We had some hot arguments. Most of the boys involved in the fighting were from his village and few of them were his relatives. Moreover, his son also involved in fighting. The principal called out the names of the students given by those boys. But we told us that they are not only the ones’ involved in fighting. We told him that, if he is going to punish, he should punish all the students involved in fighting. There were some teachers also. Principal told us that he will not solve the case; rather, he told us that he will send all of us to police to solve the case. But his words were just like a cow on the paper. Its’ my opinion.
The next day, he announced in the assembly what has happened the previous day. After the assembly, he called the two class captains of twelve. Then he called the names of the student given by the boys. Each day, they were suspended. Seven students of class 12 were suspended from the school. They didn’t appear the mid-term examinations. Though all of the students involved in fighting, only few were suspended. That was the saddest part of my life at Trashitse. Even then, all of them qualified from twelve. Some got profession; some are at CST, while others are at Samtse College of Education. They remain in my heart and they are still the best.
Nightmare of Wamrong Fire
Fire at its height |
It was on October 8 2009. We were appearing our trail examination. We were doing our biology practical. When we were about to finish the trial, there was rustle and bustle outside the classrooms. We were still in the examination hall. Some of the students were shouting. When we were out of the examination hall, all of the students were rushing towards the town. It was raining but not heavily. Some of the students told us that the town was burnt. Hurriedly we ate the lunch and we also rushed towards the town. When we reached there, half of the towns were burnt. Some shopkeepers were crying, some were shouting, others throwing the goods. Every shopkeeper was after their own property. They were less concerned about the other properties.
By the time we reached at the fire spot, the fire was at its height to the tallest building in the town. Some of the students climbed on the roof of a building and the roofed was destroyed. Some brought water and the rain rained heavily. Soon the fire was brought down. About 300 people battled the fire including the MP of Wamrong - Khaling constituency. After the fire, the minister for home and culture came to the spot. He was surprised to see the condition. The Gyalpoi Zimpoen also arrived. He distributed the food items and luggage to the victims.
People with broken hearts after fire |
That was like a nightmare for me and I still have vivid pictures of what has happened on that day. Few days later, His Majesty the Fifth King visited the site and he consoled the victims. He provides all the necessary luggage and food items. But we were not allowed to go there by our principal. So we bunked from the school and we went to Wamrong LSS where HM gave speech to the victims.
Another year end and there was much I can remember.